Thursday, May 16, 2024

Summer Sleuthing Series 2024 - Cup of Mystery case #2 - Quiche L'Arraigned

When a wealthy widgets mogul turns up dead at a family brunch just before signing a new version of his will, his family members are left holding the bag … and the bottles. 

Now, not only are his wife and children in jail, but so is their lawyer!

Help figure out what really went down in this 100 proof fiasco before the press compromises the case.

Thursday, July 11
at 11am

at Pamela's Tea Room
7561 Center Ave #19 in Old World Village, Huntington Beach, CA 
(Note: We hope to sit outdoors in the private garden patio)

$59.75 includes guided mystery game + sliver of quiche, 4 sandwiches, scone, tea 
(as well as tax, tip, payment fees)
$5 rebate (or credit) to card-carrying Tea & Sympathy Investigative Agency sleuths


  • All sales are final, and there are no refunds. If you are unable to attend, you are welcome to find a substitute. 
  • Dietary restrictions should be discussed directly with the venue at least a week in advance
  • There are no 'tickets' but you'll receive a confirmation email within 72 hours of making your reservation via the PayPal button provided