Friday, June 30, 2023

A fond farewell

To quote the incomparable Douglas Adams, "So long, and thanks for all the fish" ... or in this case, tea. 

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being part of the Tea Travellers Societea's mission to support and promote places that serve afternoon tea. 

For those who don't know, we started out in 2015 by publishing 5 regional guide books, The Tea Traveller's Constant Companion, and all of the info from those books can be found on our website. Each listing gives all the particulars on any given tearoom, including parking info, photos, even menu at the time of writing. 

During the pandemic, we went berserk doing events at tearooms to get folks in the doors. From 2020 through 2022 we hosted more than 100 events. Zoinks! Now with the closure of tearooms due to retirement, coupled with the changes some other tea spots are experiencing (some are going gangbusters!), it looks like our work is done. 

And, so The Societea too will enter retirement, doing just a couple of events each year in support of Whimsicalitea, the "genteel arts" nonprofit of which we are a part. 

I hope to see you out and about for a cuppa now and again. And if you're interested in quirky theme dining & entertainment experiences, consider taking part in our Omni Club 11:11 outings commencing this fall—yet another activity waylaid by the pandemic. 

For now, cheers from the bottom of my heart & cup,
