Monday, April 25, 2022

Afternoon Tea cookbook launch potluck partea

Come celebrate your fellow tea enthusiasts who have contributed to this year's cookbook, featuring recipes for Afternoon Tea. Hooray!

Sunday, 26 June 2022


in the indoor arcade behind Pamela's Tea Room

$20 includes hot tea service by Pamela's, potluck tea treat buffet with recipes from the book as provided by attendees, discounted paperback copy of the book to be autographed during the signing party throughout the event, wee donation to Whimsicalidocious Arts, (tax, gratuity, payment fees, blah blah)

Please bring tea treats to feed at least #8 guests 
& email 
to let us know what you're bringing. Thanks!

Payment Link

Please note, as with theatre tickets, all reservations are final. There are no refunds, but if you're unable to attend, you are welcome to give your spot to someone you think may enjoy the event.