Monday, June 29, 2020

Christmas in July 2020


With how crazy 2020 is, a Christmas in July tea party seemed to fit right in. Join us at Pamela's Tea Room to raise a cup in celebration of the fact that no matter what is going on, there's always tea!

Saturday, July 25 at 2pm

$36.75 includes 3 holiday sandwiches, sausage roll bite, scone with trimmings, English Trifle, tea (tax, party favors, PayPal fees etc. Cash gratuity, if you please) 

We'll have a trivia quiz, white elephant prize for best (worst) outfit, holiday song singalong with lyrics tweaked for the occasion.

Seating is limited and open to parties of 2-4 only to ensure health protocols. "Strangers" will not be seated with one another. Seating will be extremely limited. And event may be put on hold depending on the public health situation.

Reservations available June 29 to Patreon patrons, July 2 to public. No charge for Curator-level patrons. All paid reservations are final. That means no refunds, friends, but you may transfer your seats to another pair or foursome.