Saturday, April 3, 2021

Systematic Symptoms - 1907-1921 Hands-On Crime-Solving Experience


Step back in time to 20th-century Britain to solve a real court case with a crime that spanned 1907-1921. 

This case has been sent to the Tea & Sympathy Investigative Agency at the behest of one of the descendants of the departed in hope of a different outcome than the original verdict. The family's goal is peace of mind.

Saturday, 29 May 2021 at 6pm

Pamela's in Garden Grove

Using original documents, photographs, and witness testimony, we will endeavor to recreate the alleged murder scene as a means of getting to the truth.

Dress Code: The English medium who sent us the case files has suggested sleuths dress in period attire to channel those involved, though you should feel free to dress in modern crime-solving attire—whatever works best for you to ensure justice is served! Additionally, feel free to bring any sleuthing appurtenances you feel will be of benefit. 

$59.95 includes: 
  • First we'll take notes on the original investigation transcript
  • Next we'll sift through clues in a series of replicated vignettes from the alleged crime scene to see if we have enough evidence to build a case and charge a suspect
  • Dining & Deduction - At 7pm we'll savor a full English dinner as we select jurors and witnesses to re-enact the trial using the original transcript
  • Dessert & Denouement - We'll end the evening by rendering our own verdict as well as revealing the outcome of the original trial 
  • Tax, gratuity, and payment fees. (This is no "party" so there will be none of our usual frivolous favors!)

Note: Based on attendance numbers and health protocols as of May 2021, we have moved the event back to its original location indoors. Additionally, we've increased the number of vignettes (to be located out in the Arcade) to add more space when social distancing. 

All reservations are final, and there are no refunds unless you are part of our new FlexibiliTea reservation program. Additionally, you may give your spot to a friend if you are unable to attend. Your PayPal receipt confirms your spot.

Please direct all inquiries to Tea Travellers via Meetup, Facebook, or . The venue should only be contacted regarding dietary restrictions and menu questions. Thanks much!