Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Phinally Phryne

as of 8am 10/04
At long last, the tea party we've longed to host in honour of Miss Fisher, everyone's favorite Jazz Age sleuth from down under

Sunday, 8 November 2020 at 2pm
(rescheduled from Sept 20 during the fires)
Pamela's Tea Room, Garden Grove CA

$47.50 includes Australian-themed afternoon tea service in the cobblestone arcade adjacent the tearoom
*party favor, trivia game, tax, gratuity, and PayPal fees
Theme attire always encouraged & appreciated.

*Party favors are purchased ten days prior to event, so to ensure you get yours, please reserve your spot before then. Folks who make reservations thereafter will receive whatever the heck we can put together xo

All reservations are final, and we cannot give refunds. If you're unable to attend, you may arrange to "pick up" your order or give your spot to a friend.

If you have difficulty getting the Paypal button to work on a tablet or phone, please try using another browser or a computer.

Anyone with dietary restrictions should contact the tearoom directly at least 10 days in advance to discuss options.