The Tea Traveller's Constant Companion

Guides come in a variety of handy formats to ensure you find the style that's right for you, In addition to tearoom blog posts featured on this site we offer the following:

- A no-nonsense tearoom guide for the serious tea traveller
- Approx. 180 pages (SoCal)
- Easy-reference tearoom listings with menus (as applicable)
- Live links to websites and social media pages
- Alphabetical, regional, and category indexes
- Includes a smattering of nifty quotes & tea trivia tidbits
- For Kindle, Nook, E-pub, et al
- Content updated periodically (Amazon will notify you when there are updates)
Paperback print books on Amazon - SoCal ($14.99), NorCal ($10.99), Oregon ($5.99), Washington ($8.99), Southwest Quad ($5.99)
- No frills, no fluff, this is the Baedeker of tearoom guides, indispensable for tea travelling
- Perfect fit for a purse or Tea Travellers Societea logo tote bag
- Approx. 240 pages, printed in glorious black & white (SoCal)
- 6"x9" paperback
- Same content as e-book
- Travel Diary page per tearoom for you to document each tea trek
- Available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc.
- Book signing events commence in June 2015. See our Festiviteas page for dates